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an online game that's like "where's waldo?" but for houses

Geofinder is an online scavenger hunt game. Its gameplay is simple: Given a photo of a house somewhere in the world, your task is to look for that house inside a marked area on a map. While that may sound straightforward, how you will go about looking might not be.

Geofinder comes in two modes.

  1. In the Wordle-like default mode, aka Geofinder, you are given one house a day and have until the end of the day to find it.
  2. In the Netflix-like challenge mode, aka Geo50x, you are given 50 houses at once.

Geofinder is inspired by such childhood games as Where's Waldo? and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?. And the simple pleasures of looking out through vehicle windows and just gazing at the passing landscapes and cityscapes.

Initial Release

The initial release of Geofinder, as Geo50x, was submitted as the final project for CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science (HarvardX, 2023).

Improvements and new features development are ongoing.

website   |   github   |   mit license   |   updated 2025-03-13

Frontispiece: Imagery @2023 Airbus, CNES / Airbus, Maxar Technologies, Sanborn, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA/FPAC/GEO.

Above: Map data @2023 Imagery @2023 Airbus, CNES / Airbus, Maxar Technologies, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA/FPAC/GEO.
(Regular gameplay.)

(Trying a location again.)