hello world! my name is gerard.
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welcome to my online portfolio of projects. some were completed during my graduate studies in information systems at depaul university and some elsewhere.
film series
an early aughts basic website recreated using modern tools

In the early aughts, I co-founded the Landscape Architecture Film Series for the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign and for which I designed a website.

Now in need of a website to use as a vehicle to play around with a few Amazon Web Service (AWS) products but not wanting to spend anytime to ideate and design a new one from scratch, I turned to that old website. Its look and feel has aged well, I think, and indeed looks remarkably contemporary. For instance, if the current version of MoMA's film series is anything to go by, bold color blocking isn't a dated design choice.

This, then, is that 20-year-old static website ressurrected as a dynamic web application with a data model to speak of, using modern tools such Flask, SQLite, VS Code and Git.

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