hello world! my name is gerard.
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welcome to my online portfolio of projects. some were completed during my graduate studies in information systems at depaul university and some elsewhere.
public art api
an open data portal for public art in chicago

Public Art API is a planned data portal for comprehensive, fact-based information on public art in Chicago.

It will consist of a RESTful API with publicly exposed endpoints and a user-friendly web app powered by that API for the general public to interact with the data. The two are being developed separately. That is, the API is being developed using the FastAPI web framework, and the web app using the Django web framework.

Meanwhile, have a look at the database design document that will guide their development, although no doubt it will undergo some revisions.

Use Cases
  • Facilitate on-site and off-site documentation of public art
  • Support research, teaching and personal enrichment
  • Assist preservation activities

Initial Release

The database design makes up the initial release of Public Art API and was submitted as the final project for CS50SQL: CS50's Introduction to Databases with SQL (HarvardX, 2023).

Improvements and development of new features are ongoing.

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Frontispiece and above: Photo by Carol M. Highsmith Photography from US General Administration Services.