hello world! my name is gerard.
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welcome to my online portfolio of projects. some were completed during my graduate studies in information systems at depaul university and some elsewhere.
an information system for data sourcing and data quality assurance

VRTechnologies is a prototype information system for data sourcing and quality assurance at a fictional start-up company in the home sharing industry. It was developed using MS Access and VBA.

User Stories

The features of the system are based on business requirements as captured in the following user stories:

  1. "As a data analyst, I want to see on a graphic user interface the data scraped from home sharing platforms like Airbnb of a property whose street address has not been identified by other data analysts so that I can find and enter its location."
  2. "As a QA analyst, I want to see on a graphic user interface the STR property addresses that have been submitted by data analysts so that I can inspect their accuracy, correct any mistakes and pass/fail their overall quality."
  3. "As an implementation project manager, I want to see on a dashboard the data sourcing progress for my customers so that I can efficiently schedule the implementation timelines of my portfolio."
  4. "As an implementation project manager, I want toe able to alert the operations manager via a notification system so that I can escalate any critical implementation issues that I observe from the data analyst and QA teams."
  5. "As an operations manager, I want to see KPI of individual data and QA analysts on a dashboard so that I can track their performance."
  6. "As an operations manager, I want to manage systems access so that users can open only the dashboards they need to perform their job."

All user stories were implemented except for #4 and #6, which is partially implemented without live data.

Above: Illustration from FreeVector.com.
(Login page.)

(After login, the dashboard for an operations manager.)

(The GUI for data sourcing by a data analyst.)

(The GUI for data quality assurance by a QA analyst.)

(The dashboard for KPI of data and QA analysts for use by an operations manager.)

(The customer dashboard for use by an implementation project manager.)